Welcome to the Streams of Living Water Prayer Walk.

In our hectic lives, our hearts often wonder where we can find a place of solace, peace, and hope. We pray you find that here, in the presence of Jesus, as you walk the garden’s path surrounded by the love of the Spirit.

Walking the Path

Each prayer station along the path is clearly marked with a number and a scripture for reflection. You may walk the path in your own quiet meditation, or you can utilize the guided prayer experience through the garden.

As you arrive at each prayer station along the path take a moment to pause. Breathe deep. Find a place to sit or stand while you gaze upon the garden. During this time reflect on God’s creation and the streams of living water flowing through it.

Read the scripture out loud or in the quiet of your heart. Notice the movement of the trees and the stream below. Open your heart and mind for what God might be saying to you. Listen for the Holy Spirit’s still small voice.

Take as little or as long as you like at each station and continue on the path, stopping as the Spirit leads you and relishing in His love.

Prayer Porch

The prayer porch overlooks the creek and is a sacred place of devotion, hope, trust and even refuge. It is here where you can rest in the stillness and breathe, a place where God can prepare us to come and pause from our hurried days and revel in the silence.   

Walking with Prayers

Welcome to the stillness and peace of the Streams of Living Water Prayer Walk. Breathe in the Spirit of the everlasting God, feel His touch, and rest in His love. As you walk the path, we pray you discover that “out of the believer’s heart, flows rivers of living water,” (John 7:38).

Take a moment to be silent and prepare your heart for the prayer journey ahead.

Each prayer station along the path is clearly marked with a number and a scripture for reflection. As you arrive at each prayer station along the path, take a moment to pause. Breathe deep. Find a place to sit or stand while you gaze upon the garden. During this time, reflect on God’s creation and the streams of living water flowing through it.

As you hear the scripture read, notice the movement of the trees and the stream below. Open your heart and mind for what God might be saying to you. Listen for the Holy Spirit’s still small voice.

Take as little or as long as you like at each station. Then continue on the path, stopping as the Spirit leads you and relishing in God’s love.

Our first prayer station overlooks the creek and garden. Take a moment to quiet your mind and listen to the word of God as you breathe in His glory.

Genesis 1:20-21
“And God said, “Let the waters bring forth swarms of living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the dome of the sky. And God saw that it was good.

Ponder these words. Let them enter your heart and open your eyes to something new. God said that it was good. Contemplate God’s goodness in your life and in creation. Notice God’s goodness all around you as you continue your walk.

Next, we travel down the garden steps toward the creek’s edge and the second prayer station. As you look into the flowing water, you might see minnows swimming at their own pace. Remember as you follow your path, to take each step at your own pace. God meets us right where we are and whispers in our ears, “Be mine.”

As you arrive at the second prayer station take a deep breath in and a deep breath out. Reach out your hands to receive God’s gifts and hear these words.

John 4:10
“Jesus answered her, “If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him, and he would have given you living water.”

Jesus knew what the woman needed before she knew for herself – before the question formed on her lips. She did not fully understand the gift Jesus was offering her. Yet, he gave it anyways. To all who thirst today, He offers the same gift. Are you thirsty? Ask God for a drink of His living water. Rest in the silence, feel His love, and let your thirst be quenched.

Walking on we come to the third prayer station beside the stream. Rest in the Spirit and listen to these words of wisdom from Proverbs.

Proverbs 18:4
The words of the mouth are deep waters, but the fountain of wisdom is a rushing stream.

Take your time and follow the path to the other side of the creek. Sometimes in our lives we must traverse hills and valleys, but we remember God is faithful. God walks with us every step of the way.

As you arrive at the fourth prayer station, take a moment to pause. Take a deep breath in and a deep breath out. Reflect on the ways God may be leading you. As you reflect, listen to these words of promise from Revelation.

Revelation 7:17
For the Lamb at the center of the throne will be their shepherd; he will lead them to springs of living water. And God will wipe away every tear from their eyes.

What sorrows are you carrying with you as you walk today? God promises to wipe away every tear. Imagine yourself in the arms of the Shepherd. Experience the peace and comfort of God’s never-ending love. Allow yourself to be led to the living water and find your rest.

Continue on the path to prayer station five. With each step listen to the sounds of the creek.

Arriving at the fifth prayer station, find a place to sit or stand. Take a deep breath in and a deep breath out. Hear these words from Song of Solomon 4:15.

We are told there is a fountain of spiritual wisdom and knowledge available to us. Unlike the

deep waters of our own thoughts and speech that keep us treading water, the fountain of God’s

wisdom is a rushing stream. It carries us along into all truth. Are you willing to be carried by the

stream of God’s wisdom?

You are a garden fountain, a well of fresh water streaming down from Lebanon’s mountains.

As we serve God, through the grace of Christ, we can flourish and give Him glory. Take a moment to notice the things that are flourishing in your life. Take a moment to notice the things flourishing in the garden around you. As you name them, give God thanks.

With one final word of gratitude, continue on to the sixth prayer station.

Arriving at the sixth prayer station, take a moment to notice. Notice the garden around you, the light streaming through the trees, the sounds of the creek. Settle in and listen to these words from Isaiah.

Isaiah 49:10
They will neither hunger nor thirst, nor will the desert heat or the sun beat down on them. He who has compassion on them will guide them and lead them beside springs of water.

This promise is for you. Through Christ you have been restored and resurrected to life. No longer do you have to hunger or thirst, because you can feast upon the bread of life and drink from the streams of living water. God has promised the Spirit to guide us as we walk the path of life. He has given us new life! Reflect on how you will live your resurrected life.

Walk carefully and be mindful of your steps as you move closer to the springs of living water. God is with you.

You have reached the end of your prayer journey. At this final prayer station, take a moment to sit and breathe in the Holy. Hear these words from the Psalm.

Psalm 42:1
As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, my God.

It is often a weary soul, that in recognizing their empty spirit, is overwhelmed with a deep craving for God’s streams of living water. Let your desire for God grow. Yearn forward toward God’s streams of living water. Remember God’s provision.

Reach your hand into the creek and feel God’s living water. Allow it to restore your soul. Amen.

Friends of the Garden

It is with much gratitude that we acknowledge those who gave generously to the Streams of Living Water Prayer Walk. Each prayer station along the path has been sponsored by one of the following friends in honor or in memory of someone they love.

Robert & Kathryn Bagwell

Steve & Cindy Clampett

Mike & Debi Moses

Shannon Watson

Patti Bell Brown, Bonnie Bell Harding, and A.L. Chilton Foundation

Norma Payton and David Campbell