Thursdays from 10:30 TO 11:30 a.m., September 15 to October 20
Copeland House Annex Room
Centering Prayer is a wordless prayer form where we learn to rest in a gentle, open attentiveness to the presence of God. By gently releasing thoughts that arise, we consent to the presence and action of God. You are invited, over the six weeks, to learn and practice this foundational contemplative discipline.To sign up: Contact Bev Selby at [email protected]

Wednesdays from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m., starting October 5, Copeland House
For groups of 1 to 3 seeking a personal silent retreat with guidance. Designed for those new to the spiritual practice of silence and seeking to grow in spiritual maturity and listening for the Holy Spirit. Groups will be guided by Cindy Clampett who will provide individuals with scriptures of encouragement, snacks, contemplative prayer prompts, etc. to guide the time of silence and invite the Holy Spirit in.
To sign up: Contact Cindy Clampett: [email protected]

Wednesdays from 9:15 to 10:20 a.m., September 14 to October 26
Copeland House Annex Room
Yoga Workshops in Foundations of Movement and Breath. Benefits total body movement, ease, anxiety, concentration. This is not a cookie-cutter, fast yoga, repetitive routine. These are weekly workshops in how BREATH and ATTENTION yoke in the BODY given a Christ-based context. “Take my yoke upon you.... (Matthew 11:29). Each person will grow according to their own need. It is education, a user’s manual.The first two are free Introductory Sessions. Free dates: Wednesday, September 14, 9:15 a.m. to 10:20 a.m. and Sunday, September 18, 4:30 to 5:30pm.Cost: $180 per person paid in advance, minimum of twelve people. No refunds after Sept. 21st. Drop-in price after September 21: $45 per person, cash only. To sign up: Contact Debi Moses at [email protected]

Wednesdays from 10:30 a.m. to 12 noon, starting October 5, Copeland House Fireplace RoomWe live in a breathless world. Everything around us seems to move at faster and faster speeds, summoning us to keep up. This rushed and frenzied existence is not sacred time. It is time governed by the rhythms of creation. Sacred time is time spent being present to the moments of eternity available to us whenever we choose to pause and breathe. Are you looking to be part of a small group of women who would like to slow down and find this sacred time as we fellowship, pray and worship together? I’m praying for you now. The group is limited to 15, in order to have time to share and grow in His love.To sign up: Contact Debi Moses at [email protected]

Available Upon Request, Streams of Living Water Prayer Garden
Join tour guide Debi Moses for a stroll in the “Streams of Living Water Prayer Garden” as it changes from the warmth of summer to the vibrancy of fall. Feel God’s ever-present glory as we walk among the scriptures and hear and feel the story of the streams of living water. There will be time for prayer and communion at the end. No materials needed. No cost, just comfortable walking shoes.
To sign up: Contact Debi Moses at [email protected]